Onyx Storm: Let's talk about that ending...

Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros. Image: Entangled: Red Tower Books.
Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros. Image: Entangled: Red Tower Books.

Spoilers for Onyx Storm below. You have been warned.

I have seen a lot of people on social media talk about hating Onyx Storm - and I have no issues if people don't like a book. All books are not for all readers, and that is something I stand by. However, I have noticed one trend from people who have loved the first two books in the series, only to hate Onyx Storm - and they hate it because the characters don't win in the end. Xaden goes full venin, destroying what was left of his soul. Andarna leaves (though she does come back). It's hinted yet another character we know and love has gone venin. And while Violet and Xaden do get married, she has Imogen burn the memories from her brain.

Onyx Storm does not have a happy ending, and honestly, that's a good thing as it's faithful to the world and storytelling Rebecca Yarros has given us so far. And I can prove it - every single book in the series has started with the following quote:

"The following text has been faithfully transcribed from Navarrian into the modern language by Jesinia Neilwart, Curator of the Scribe Quadrant at Basgiath War College. All events are true, and names have been preserved to honor the courage of those fallen. May their souls be commended to Malek."

From the moment we first opened the first book Jesenia has been screaming this is not going to have a happy ending. In fact, I sent this quote to one of my friends who hasn't read the book, and his reaction was, "Everyone's going to die like Rogue One." So to be upset when this has been page one of every book so far, and will probably be page one of the last two books, feels to me like readers haven't been paying attention to the warning that has been at the beginning of every single book. When it comes to this series, I fully expect to be sobbing into books four and five as my favorite major characters sacrifice their lives to save the world. I expect Xaden will gain his soul back in an act of heroism that kills him. And I will be shocked if Violet survives the series, as I feel like she's being set up to be a sacrifice for the Goddess of War.

Now you may be thinking, "Ash, what's the point in continuing the series if everyone's going to die at the end?" Well, I am going to go back to the Rogue One analogy my friend gave me. There is a reason so many people list Rogue One as their favorite Star Wars movie - me included! It is a story of unbeatable odds, of the sacrifice to do the right thing, and of the power that comes of knowing you made a change you won't live to see. And it's what I love about the quote: Jesenia has made sure we get to read a history that otherwise would have been forgotten because the characters we love are ones who in a regular world would not get their stories told. And it's a powerful way to look at a series that will only get darker from here.

I have no idea where this story is going to go, but I am glad with how Rebecca Yarros is writing it. It's a reminder stories don't always have to be happy, love interests we adore may not be endgame, and life can be incredibly unfair. It provides a realism that grounds the series best known for the fantastical. It's going to be an emotional and hard ride, but I am positive it's going to be worth it. And at least we'll have sassy dragons to comfort us along the way.

May Malek meet us when Rebecca Yarros inevitably murders our souls.

Onyx Storm is available through Entangled Publishing