Ashley Skolrud

Ashley Skolrud

Ashley Skolrud has been a bookworm from the moment she learned how to read. From that point on, she's been a lover of stories. With an MFA in Creative Writing and 11 years of teaching English under her belt, she is still as passionate about the written word as she was when she first discovered books. In addition to writing ABOUT books, her first novel "The Witching Hour" was published in September 2023!

Mississippi State Bulldogs vs Tulane Green Wave

Book Recommendations: Top Five Books for the 4th of July

Ashley Skolrud

The Magic Returns to Disneyland Resort Theme Parks Ahead Of Their Grand Re-Opening

Bookcation Destinations: Three Books to Read At Disney

Ashley Skolrud

Still Life With A Skull And A Writing Quill

Book Review: The Bone Witch by Rin Chupeco

Ashley Skolrud

Places To Go

Three Magical Reads for Your Next Bookcation

Ashley Skolrud

Nothing To Deliver

What Exactly is A Bookcation?

Ashley Skolrud

Three Classical Reads That Are Anything But Boring

Ashley Skolrud

Top Five July Book Releases We're Excited For

Ashley Skolrud
"The Little Mermaid" UK Premiere - Arrivals

Book Review: Prince of Song & Sea by Linsey Miller

Ashley Skolrud

Top Three Retellings to Change Your Point of View

Ashley Skolrud

Book Recommendations: Top Five Books for Gamers

Ashley Skolrud
LOVE IS BLIND on Netflix, photo courtesy Netflix

Book Review: Leap of Faith by Cameron Hamilton and Lauren Speed

Ashley Skolrud

Top Three Romcoms You Need To Drop Everything and Read

Ashley Skolrud
Sport Relief 2016

Books That Make Waiting For The Great British Bake Off Easier

Ashley Skolrud

Of Her Own Design. Image courtesy Maverick and Mad Cave

Book Review: Of Her Own Design by Birdie Willis & Nicole Andelfinger

Ashley Skolrud

Resonate by Courtney Grace Powers

Book Review: Resonate by Courtney Grace Powers

Ashley Skolrud

Gay Pride Parade Winds Through New York City

Book Recommendations: Top Five Books for Pride

Ashley Skolrud