Book Recommendations: Top Five Books for Gamers

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When I first started playing video games, I fell in love with the storytelling aspects of it. Branching plotlines, the ability to have different endings, and the character development made me want to continue playing. And it's clear with the popularity of games like Baldur's Gate 3 that other gamers feel the same way. However, most people don't have the time to game all day, so I came up with some books I felt give the same feeling as exploring a video game world.

1. Assassin's Creed: Heresy by Christie Golden

Daniel Boczarski/GettyImages

Perfect for Fans Of: Stealth Games

I know starting with a book that's based on a game series is a little bit cliche, however, I am doing it anyway. This book was not only my introduction to the Assassin's Creed universe but was the reason I wanted to start gaming in the first place. The plot is very similar to the games, with the historical plot being the story of Joan of Arc. The main character of Simon Hathaway also has an intriguing arc - starting as a Templar Inner Sanctum member to questioning everything he knows. In addition to the plot, it has all of the stealth we have come to expect from the game series and gives a new point of view to the world of the games.

Assassin's Creed: Heresy is available through Amazon

2. What the River Knows by Isabel Ibañez


Perfect for Fans Of: Problem-Solving and Puzzle Games

The main character of Inez is the daughter of a pair of archeologists who spend the majority of their lives in Egypt. However, after their shocking deaths, she takes it upon herself to go and figure out what happened. Not only is there the mystery of what happened to her parents, but there are also plenty of historical and archeological puzzles she has to solve. This reader lets you problem solve along with Inez, feeling very much like the puzzle games people obsess over.

What the River Knows is available through Macmillian Publishers

3. Where Dreams Descend by Janella Angeles

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Perfect for Fans Of: Open-World RPGs

The world of Where Dreams Descend is one of magic and wonder - especially when it comes to the competition to be the next headliner of the Conquering Circus. However, the worldbuilding of this novel feels like one you can easily get lost in - and our main character does repeatedly! There are different places to discover, mysteries to find, and there's even a storyline that feels very similar to a fetch quest to help you level up. In addition, there's a beautiful plot that corresponds with the world - and it adds layers and complexity that make the settling feel real.

Where Dreams Descend is available through Macmillian Publishers

4. The Lord of Stariel by A.J. Lancaster

Tim Graham/GettyImages

Perfect for Fans Of: Cozy Simulation Games

Games like Stardew Valley and Disney Dreamlight Valley have been a fun way of destressing for many people. The Lord of Stariel has a lot of the same vibes. After surprisingly becoming the new Lord of the estate of Stariel, Hetta needs to learn how to take care of the estate and solve the mystery of how she became the Lord in the first place. Even with a potential war with the fae in the background, the majority of the novel is about trying to understand the land, fixing up the estate, and doing what is best for people. It reminded me a lot of Stardew Valley - but with magic, and is perfect for those who love those kinds of stories.

The Lord of Stariel is available through Amazon

5. The Blonde Identity by Ally Carter

Edward Berthelot/GettyImages

Perfect for Fans Of: Action-Adventure Games

A woman wakes up in Paris with amnesia and immediately is told to run. From that point she's on a running adventure through Europe - and with the amount of running we see in these games, it has a similar vibe. Going from location to location, having to dodge and shoot the bad guys, and figuring out who is hunting her in the first place could easily be adapted into this kind of a game - complete with clues and lore that make the world feel real.

The Blonde Identity is available through HarperCollins Publishers

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