The Dallergut Dream Department Store: Book club guide

Michael Jacobs/Art in All of Us/GettyImages

When I first got this book, I noticed one of the blurbs on the back mentioned it was the perfect book for a book club. And after reading the novel myself, I have to agree! It's a quick, cute, and fun read - but one that also will spark meaningful conversations on dreams and their impact on our lives.

Book Synopsis:

"What if there was a store that sold dreams? Which would you buy? And who might you become when you wake up?

In a mysterious town hidden in our collective subconscious there's a department store that sells dreams. Day and night, visitors both human and animal shuffle in to purchase their latest adventure. Each floor specializes in a specific type of dream: childhood memories, food dreams, ice skating, dreams of stardom. Flying dreams are almost always sold out. Some seek dreams of loved ones who have died.

For Penny, an enthusiastic new hire, working at Dallergut is the opportunity of a lifetime. As she uncovers the workings of this whimsical world, she bonds with a cast of unforgettable characters, including Dallergut, the flamboyant and wise owner, Babynap Rockabye, a famous dream designer, Maxim, a nightmare producer, and the many customers who dream to heal, dream to grow, and dream to flourish."

Miye Lee

After choosing this book, make sure your members are ready for their trip to the Land of Dreams! Pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals are highly encouraged to help bring the cozy vibe of the book to life. In addition, the drink, food, and outfit guide will help make sure your book club is Insta-ready for the sleepover aesthetic the book demands.

Drinks, Food, and Outfit Guide:

  • Drinks: These Cotton Candy Mocktails look like they come straight out of a dream. They're perfect to show off the cozy vibes of the book, and give your book club the perfect Instagram picture! Or, if you'd rather something straight from the book, onion milk is a staple in Korean cuisine that's sold in the food trucks surrounding the store.
  • Food: Fried rice is a favorite of the staff to eat on their breaks, perfect for a light lunch! However, one of the most important parts of the department store is Dallergut's treat basket! Creating a replica of his signature calm cookies or buying Jolly Ranchers to fill in for his deep sleep candy, you can munch on these snacks knowing they'll help you find good dreams.
  • Outfits: This party is a pajama party! Pull out your cutest pajamas and a pair of fuzzy socks, and you'll avoid the Noctilucas stuffing you into an antique nightshirt.

These discussion questions will allow you to examine the quiet philosophy of the novel as a group, while also thinking about your own dreams! It's important to remember, these questions are a jumping-off point! Feel free to follow the conversation without sticking to the questions - each of these can easily turn into hours of conversation. If you get to a lull, that's when you pull out the next question!

Discussion Guide:

  1. "We all sleep to get closure on yesterday and prepare for tomorrow." This quote from the prologue sets the tone for the rest of the novel. How can you see this quote reflected within the different vignettes? How can you apply this to your relationship with sleep?
  2. There are five different floors to the Dallergut Dream Department Store - each with a specific type of dream someone can have. Which floor do you think your dreams come from? Do you wish your dreams came from a different floor? Why or why not?
  3. Dallergut and Maxim created a specific type of nightmare called "Overcoming Trauma" - a controversial dream when they first rolled it out, though it paid off in the end. Do you feel like recurring nightmares like the ones shown in the novel can help overcome trauma? Or do you think their reasoning is flawed? Why?
  4. A thread we see woven within the novel is the concept of dreams that are preordered, but not picked up - implying the person is choosing not to sleep or is falling asleep too late to pick up their dream. A lot of concern we see the Dreammakers having is that worldwide events and live-streaming are increasing. Do you think these are affecting people's sleep cycles? Do you think the solution of "if we create better dreams, people will be more willing to sleep" would actually work in today's world? Why or why not?
  5. Dreamers pay for the dreams they get by providing a little bit of the emotions they feel as a result of the dreams, and as we learn in the novel, different emotions are worth different amounts - very similar to the stock market! What positive emotion do you think would be worth the most? Why is that emotion the most important? What kind of dream do you think would give you that emotion?

If you used this book club guide, feel free to tag us on Facebook or X - we would love to see how you bring the book to life!

The Dallergut Dream Department Store is available through HarperCollins Publishers

dark. Next. Book review: The Dallergut Dream Department Store by Miye Lee. Book review: The Dallergut Dream Department Store by Miye Lee