How to Use Books as Gifts for Halloween Boo Buckets

Book Boo Buckets are a great way to get your kids excited about Halloween and reading.
Halloween buckets are in place at Children   s of Mississippi in Jackson Miss., Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2021. The supplies were given to patients at the hospital after they were gathered by the Mississippi Department of Public Safety during their Trick or Treat Supply Drive.

Tcl Childrens Hospital Giveaway4
Halloween buckets are in place at Children s of Mississippi in Jackson Miss., Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2021. The supplies were given to patients at the hospital after they were gathered by the Mississippi Department of Public Safety during their Trick or Treat Supply Drive. Tcl Childrens Hospital Giveaway4 | Eric Shelton/Clarion Ledger / USA TODAY NETWORK

Are you a boujee parent who loves to spoil your kids with gifts and treats every holiday? (No judgement, I am too!)

Halloween boo buckets are an excellent gift idea to give your children for a spooky day celebration.

Book buckets are fantastic gifts for any holiday, whether you have children who love reading or want to encourage your kids to read more books.

What are Halloween Boo Buckets

Halloween boo buckets are a newer method of gift-giving for parents who enjoy spoiling their kids on every holiday. Since kids need a bucket to collect their candy anyway, many parents use it as an opportunity to give kids holiday-themed treats ahead of their trick-or-treating. Many kids no longer do the traditional trick-or-treating event. They may participate in trunk or treats or go to holiday parties. Some kids don't go out at all. Boo buckets are great for giving extra Halloween goodies.

What to Put Inside a Boo Bucket?

Boo buckets can contain anything your kids find interesting. It's a lot like Easter baskets. Choose a theme and add a variety of things associated with it. You can start with Halloween candy. I love going to Dollar Tree and getting the adorable seasonal candies. You can also add snacks like Rice Krispy Treats, dirt cakes, brownies, Halloween cookies, and fudge.

What's spooky season without spooky books? Give your kids age-appropriate Halloween reads. Or you can prepare for the other upcoming holidays with Thanksgiving or Christmas books.I like inspiring my kids to write holiday stories as awesome gifts for family. Ad-libs are great for younger minds who need help with creating. Otherwise, you can give your kids a book of writing prompts to inspire them to create stories. You can also add other activities like crosswords, mazes, word searches, coloring sheets, temporary tattoos, and stickers.

What else do you add to a Halloween boo bucket? Educational resources like flashcards, matching tile games, handwriting practice sheets, or color-by-numbers are great for younger kids. For older children, you can add science experiments, DIY recipes, beauty products, planners, aspiration decks, card games, or puzzles. A cute Halloween shirt, sweater, hoodie, hat, or other apparel can make your child's boo bucket complete.