Sara Trimble

Sara Trimble

Sara Trimble is a Contributor to FanSided's I Prefer Books. Along with an obsession with reading and writing stories that captivate readers, her reviews span sites like TV Fanatic, The Cherry Picks, The Movie Database, Frugal Freelancer, Xpresso Book Tours, WOW: Women on Writing, Night Owl Reviews, and more. She covers all things entertainment, from the latest books to music to sports to all things TV. When she's not publishing content online or fiction books on Amazon, she's busy raising kids, spoiling dogs, crafting, and supporting all things Memphis.

A Christmas book corner at KARM's Christmas Store located at 5425 Clinton Highway in Knoxville on Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2024.

9 Christmas books to read as a family

Sara Trimble

Self-inflating yard decor was favored by trick-or-treat goers in 2022.

Best Non-Candy Treats for Book Lovers to Pass Out on Halloween

Sara Trimble

Halloween decorations outside the front of a house on Clinton Place in Hackensack on Thursday, Oct. 24, 2024. This block features over a dozen decorated spooky houses.

How to Spread Halloween Spirit Using Books and Boo Printables

Sara Trimble

Halloween buckets are in place at Children   s of Mississippi in Jackson Miss., Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2021. The supplies were given to patients at the hospital after they were gathered by the Mississippi Department of Public Safety during their Trick or Treat Supply Drive.

Tcl Childrens Hospital Giveaway4

How to Use Books as Gifts for Halloween Boo Buckets

Sara Trimble

Grow your book collection with free books.

How to Get Free Books to Read - No Gimmicks

Sara Trimble
House Democrats Hold A News Conference On A Banned Books Resolution

Banned Book Week should infuriate anyone who loves their imagination

Sara Trimble