Going through a reading slump? Here are four ways you can overcome it

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What is a reading slump? The nightmare of every book lover. Well, that's not the definition of a reading slump, but it represents how a book lover feels when they can't maintain an interest in reading. Regardless of how big of a reader a person is, everyone in their lives, on multiple occasions, suffers through reading slumps.

While some manage to battle and come out of it, there are times when a reading slump gets so bad that a person gives up on reading. Now, this is something we don't want to experience and hence, it's important to find effective ways to get out of a reading slump. In this article, we will look at four such ways that could help you:

#4. Don't force it. Take a break, but don't forget to start

Is the advice a bit too confusing? Let me explain. Taking a break from reading is not necessarily bad. After all, we are humans, and if we don't feel like it, there is no point in forcing. However, things get bad when this break leads to a person giving up on reading. To prevent that, it's important to take a short break but start as soon as possible.

This start does not necessarily need to be with a long book or a classic just because you feel rejuvenated. You can instead start with a short story, then another short story, and another short story before you are comfortable reading again. This process will not only give you the break you truly desire but also help you get back on track.

#3. Join a book club

An amazing way of overcoming a reading slump is to join a book club. Why, you ask? It's simple. When you join a book club, you meet a community of people who are like you and love talking about books. These people then introduce you to new authors, and genres, and make you aware of facts you probably don't or wouldn't know.

This can be highly beneficial in sparking your interest in reading again. Apart from that, most book clubs usually ask their members to discuss what they are reading. This, in a way, develops a sense of accountability, and a person is forced to read a little so that they can effectively communicate and discuss. I know I said forcing yourself is not good, but let's make an exception when speaking about a book club, okay?

#2. Read your favorite books again

When I usually face a reading slump, one of my go-to strategies to get out of it is to re-read a book I love. I mean, come on, we often re-watch our favorite movies and TV shows on multiple occasions. What's the harm in re-reading our favorite books?

When you are re-reading a favorite book, you already know what to expect from it. There is no pressure to discover anything new. If anything, there is a sense of nostalgia as you turn each page, and this nostalgia will only keep you engrossed throughout. And once you reach the last page of your favorite book, you will most likely be out of the reading slump you faced.

#1. Write about what you read

Whether you know it or not, writing is for everyone. While writing has many different benefits, one of its most underrated benefits is that writing can help you get out of a reading slump. If you don't believe me, try it yourself. Pick a book, any book, any genre, read a few pages, and once you are done reading, write about it.

How will this help? Well for starters, the fact that you know you are going to write, you will be engaged while reading the book because you would want your writing to make sense. Further, when you are writing about what you are reading, you can build a connection with the characters and specifically explore the areas of the book you like and dislike.

This helps in engagement, which is crucial to get out of a reading slump. Lastly, if you decide to share your writing with others through online platforms, you will engage yourself in active discussions about books, which again will only help you come out of the slump. So, if you are someone who is going through a reading slump, try one of these four methods and let us know if it worked for you.

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